Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 2 - I just want a cupcake

For most of my life, I have always been on a diet for most of my life.  I have tried multiple types from diet from Atkins to diet pills.  It was not until my 30's I realized I had to change my eating habits.  I was a foodie way before the word was used in every day conversations.  I would watch cooking shows and try to make the food when I was a teenager.  In high school, I would have cravings that most teenagers would not have.  I would look for restaurants I never tried before.  Luckily I was able to attend college in Chicago (in my opinion had a very diverse food scene).  I would yo-yo up and down in weight but once I had kids, it was a battle to keep my weight under control.  One of my doctors questioned if I had a thyroid issue.  I had to seek help other than medications and having to excerise for hours at at time.  I went to a functional medicine doctor (she has more of a holistic approach).  The first suggestion was to cut out the gluten.  That is hard for an individual who loves to bake and enjoys taking trips to new bakeries (I went to Napa and spent almost 150 at Bouchon Bakery).  This was going to be a battle.  Over Christmas I failed and I mean utter, total failure.  I had cakes, cookies, and breads.  Right after new years, I stopped eating gluten for a week and then I had some pasta.  I started to have a skin reaction.  I came to realize, I may be a little allergic to gluten.  My allergies tends to come and go based on food I consume more than others.  My doctor believes I'm sensitive to it and I just have to limit my consumption.


There was a whole tray one my co-workers brought in.  I so wanted to take one but I knew better not to.  

Instead I went home and exercise and made some gluten free cookies.  They were not too bad.  It is on Martha Stewart's site.  Flourless Peanut butter cookies.

15 mins on the bike on a level 3

25 Lunges (Lunge challenge)

50 Squats (Squat challenge)

 (Ab Challenge)
25 Sit ups
10 Crunches
10 Leg Raises
15 Second Plank

 (Arm Challenge)
6 Tricep dips
5 push up
10 mountain climbers

 (Butt Challenge) 
20 Squats
10 Bridges
15 Lunges

30 second Plank (Plank Challenge)

Weight: 173

Friday, January 31, 2014


Don't you ever wish you could have a do-over in life.  Don't get me wrong, I love my life.  I have a husband that supports me about 75% of the time, two wonderfully entertaining children, and a great job.  There are always somethings you wish you could do-over.  

In the past couple of years, I had a series of health related concerns forced me to think of my life style.  Not that I really abused my body but as I approach the age of 34, I know it will just be an uphill battle to be healthy.  

I have always been overweight but I am starting to feel it in my joints, back, and in my overall energy level.  Even my complexion is showing signs how I have not been taking care of myself.  

 I decided to start this blog as a diary to motivate me to get healthier.  I want to be able to run with my kids without running out of breathe or my knees start hurting.  It would be great to hold my son without a sore back the next day.  

I normally do 30 mins on my stationary bike but i know I have to do more.  With the help of one of my friends, we are doing a series of 30 day challenges.

Starting Weight: 174
15 mins on the bike on a level 3

25 Lunges (Lunge challenge)

50 Squats (Squat challenge)

 (Ab Challenge)
20 Sit ups
8 Crunches
8 Leg Raises
15 Second Plank

 (Arm Challenge)
6 Tricep dips
4 push up
8 mountain climbers

 (Butt Challenge) 
20 Squats
5 Bridges
10 Lunges

20 second Plank (Plank Challenge)